Virtual Walkthrough – Does it help? OR Does it give away too much?!

Many of you are familiar with Virtual Walkthrough. A number of real estate agents spend hundreds of dollars on marketing videos to help them sell their listings. As listings aren’t getting sold. The real question is “Does it work?”. If you are a real estate agent or seller, you need to gather all the information before you make one. To improve your chances of selling your home, we will be discussing several important factors to consider.

For starter, most vital home tours have poor lighting. Leaving the house dark and uninviting. If you decide to use a virtual walkthrough, you must choose optimal times when suns’ position is relatively stable. Another important factor to consider is vague wording that descriptors often use to describe a house. Some may say that virtual tour is interactive, but is it? Does it truly describe the uniqueness of your house? It is something for you to decide.

Most sellers leave their homes unfurnished and empty homes are harder to sell. People want to imagine how to use different portions of the house. Furniture is a great way to get a sense of scale.  Can virtual tours truly maximize your results? The truth is that people do not want to see empty walls directed by a narrator.

Capture your curb appeal is something to be desired. Most often each agent spends less than 5 seconds capturing the home’s outdoor. Tour is not a tour unless it incorporates outdoor living while showing the views of the street. Potential buyers want to know if a house has backyard neighbors, lush landscaping that offers privacy, and decent front elevation. As a real estate agent with over 35 years of experience, I can tell you one thing. Nothing can surpass personal encounter with a potential client, especially when you are exchanging information for the mutual benefit.

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